
True Plug and Play for Energy Advances

We’ve been working with a startup company that’s come up with plans for a box that will streamline the installation and use of new energy technology. They have designs, have applied for a patent, and are already getting strong interest from residential developers as their first market entry point. The company is seeking strategic partners and capital. Here, in their own words, is the basic idea.

PPSI’s Modular Energy and Services Appliance (MESA) is a revolutionary device that finally launches the home or business into the modern power age. Imagine a cabinet installed at the home or business that replaces the electric meter and service entry panel with smart technology that immediately reduces energy costs and enables further savings opportunities, by providing for safe and easy operation and clean installation of one or more of emerging energy technologies: solar power, wind power, back-up battery, generator or fuel cell.

PPSI Overview

Many existing, new and emerging energy related technologies are available or soon will be available for home and small business users. All experts agree this already large market is going to experience significant growth in the coming decade. Yet, while many consumers desire these products for cost saving or other personal reasons, to date "something" has been holding them back. The missing "something" is a common integration platform to reduce the many risks faced by the consumer. To address this need, PPSI has created the Modular Energy and Services Appliance or MESA.

The MESA approach allows any desired energy related device to be installed simply and easily in its expansion cabinet via PPSI’s proprietary interconnection and mounting technology.

Built-in devices:
    Power conditioning (saves energy and money)
    Peak Power usage monitoring

Expansion devices:
    Backup Power
    Solar/Wind integration
    Batteries (Time Shifting of Power Usage)
    Power Resale
    Vehicle Refueling

The MESA significantly reduces consumer risks including:

1.    Cost
2.    Selection
3.    Integration
4.    Support
5.    Obsolescence

Additionally the MESA provides a go-to-market platform for the makers of energy related devices, which allows them to focus on their core strengths and leave the marketing, sales, distribution and support issues to PPSI.

The current situation is reminiscent of the early days of the personal computer industry where the components existed but large numbers of usable systems did not ship until Apple and IBM took up the integration challenge to create a functional and easily accessible platform.

The initial MESA distributors are expected to be leading real estate developers. Why?

– faster time to market
– more desirable homes
– regulation/permitting process favors alternative energy technologies
– current, strong need

Follow-on markets potentially include solar/wind installations, utilities, home remodelers and business facility upgrades.

The PPSI MESA can accelerate the upcoming energy market growth and control a large portion of the market due to its unique integration capabilities and PPSI’s focus on owning the space between the customers and component manufacturers.
Jeff Adams
Peninsula Power Systems