Bulletin #12 – Pacific Northwest Labs Report

UFTO Bulletin #12

August 18, 1995

To: UFTO Members:

. . in this issue: . . . . . . . . .

Pacific Northwest Labs Report

1. Enclosed — The UFTO report from PNL. You’ve seen a few of these items already, when I reported “Flash” one pagers on DSOM, Acid Recovery, and Environmental Management. Note particular strengths in Power Systems, Building Energy, Thin Film, and Sensors, to name a few areas. They have made the utility industry an explicit major focus in their efforts to get more commercial business.

2. I’m off to INEL on Monday and Tuesday. They’ve got a really full schedule for me, according to the agenda they just faxed over. A copy is attached. They’re the first lab to have our Technology Needs document before our first UFTO visit.

How’s the interest developing in your company about IDMS? INEL says every one who sees it agrees with their claim that they’re way beyond anything currently available in SCADA. They don’t have any thing in writing they can send you, so the next step is to call them on the phone, and then go visit. (This is a classic case for the “early bird.”)

3. One of the utilities I’m trying to recruit as a new member of UFTO asked for some specific examples of technologies that should excite them–I sent them a one page list –copy enclosed. Maybe it’ll trigger another look-see at your company. (Many thanks to those of you who’ve taken phone calls from interested utilities and responded so positively.)

4. Mary Cucchiarella of NSP put together a book of the UFTO materialsfor wide distribution within the company. Enclosed is a copy of thecover memo and table of contents, in case it inspires you to do something similar. If you need my help, let me know.

“O&M” Items

• In Bulletin #11, part the of the 800 phone # for the BMP was missing. Sorry about that. (No, it wasn’t a test, but did you notice?) The complete phone # is 1-800-789-4267.

• EMAIL — I’ve been meaning to ask–are you on Internet? Use email? Eprinet? My general email address is edbeards@epri.epri.com. (I’m using an eprinet “consultants account.) If you’re on a different email service, you can still exchange email with anyone on eprinet using the general internet form of the address like mine. In the next edition of the roster, I’ll include the email addresses for UFTO members who use it regularly (i.e., daily). Let me know if that includes you (by sending me an email!).

• I’ll be in Idaho Falls at INEL from 8/19 thru 8/22, make a brief appearance home in the office on Wednesday, August 23, and take a quick vacation from 8/24 thru 8/29. Back in business on Wednesday 8/30.

I hope you had a great summer— Hard to believe it’s almost over!


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